
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

LG Secret - the Cream of Mobile Phones

A new mobile phone is due to hit the market soon, that combines sleek looks with supreme power. Called the LG Secret, it boasts some of the best looks ever seen in mobile phones, and a wealth of features, up to and including internet access that's essentially mobile broadband in a phone. It truly is superb!

LG - changing the face of mobile phones

LG really are on something of a mission in 2008. Well, if I'm honest they're been on a mission since last October. Why last October? Because, friends, that's when the Viewty was released, a mobile phone that redefined exactly what being an amazing phone was all about. Since then they've been on an new mission; to completely refresh and reinvent the way we use mobile phones. They'd proved with earlier phones, like the Chocolate and the Prada, that they could do sleek and sexy.

But now, it was time to merge sleek/sexy with raw processing power, and more features than a lunar lander. In short, they want nothing less than to make the best-looking, most-powerful mobile phones in existence. Phones like the Viewty, the new Venus... they're all part of their ongoing plan. The culmination of all their efforts so far is a truly beautiful mobile phone occasionally known by its model number of KF750. But you may know it better (and if you don't yet, you soon will) as the stunning LG Secret. LG Secret - the sexiest serious phone ever

The LG Secret is a strong contender, as far as I'm concerned, for the title of 'best-looking mobile phone in the world'. There are two big factors in why I'm saying that: first is the scratch-proof, tempered glass screen, giving the LG Secret an exceptionally shiny, beautiful 'face'. But more than that, in terms of design, is the battery cover on the phone, as it's the first mobile phone I've ever seen (and I believe the first in the world) that has carbon fibre in the body, to increase strength and make it lighter. Having handled one, I can confirm the LG Secret is an utterly beautiful and very pleasing piece of kit to use. It might even be one of the nicest mobile phones I've ever held! Of course, looks aren't everything (no matter what most fashion houses would have us believe), and to be truly great, the LG Secret need a super-powered range of features, as well. Happily it does! Take for example, the 5 megapixel camera, based on the one in the Viewty.

Because of its heritage, you get the super slo-mo mode from the Viewty, but on top of that you get something new. A first in the world of mobile phones, you can actually shoot time lapse video (yep, just like those nature films when flowers open really quickly)! With auto-rotation in the media player, and a touchscreen, for onscreen control, it's a superb feature-list. Add that with an internet speed that makes it, essentially, mobile broadband in a phone, and the LG Secret is a real contender for one of the coolest phones I've ever seen!

By:Matt Sharp

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